Executive Pastor Online Blog

This is my personal blog. I regularly write about church leadership and infrastructure development, including specifics on leadership techniques and the details of implementing systems, processes, and methods that enable the church to succeed.


leadership Jan 17, 2024

The Most Difficult Person to Lead Well is Yourself


You've heard the expression, "Speed of the Leader, Speed of the Team." The bottom line is, if you want your team to do this or that, you need to be doing it. It's that simple.

So how does one work on their "leadership of self?" Here are four important things to consider:

  1. Realization - The first and most important thing is to realize it's true! Realize what I'm saying in this post is the case, and you need to get on board.
  2. Self Examination - Put pen to paper on what areas of your behavior need work. Make a list. Prioritize the list and get started.
  3. Get Feedback - Ask others you trust for their opinion of your self-leadership. What things are you expecting from others that you aren't doing?
  4. Steady Progress - Know that you won't be able to change your behavior overnight. It will take slow, steady progress to change your behavior. That's a fact!

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