Executive Pastor Online Blog

This is my personal blog. I regularly write about church leadership and infrastructure development, including specifics on leadership techniques and the details of implementing systems, processes, and methods that enable the church to succeed.

Schedule of Ministry

human resources Feb 08, 2024

A Pretty Good Method for Managing a "Flexible Work Schedule" for Church Staff

How do church leaders balance the need to have a core working environment in the office and a flexible work schedule that allows church staff to meet with potential leaders and do other stuff that must be done outside of "normal business hours?"

I can't say that I found "the answer," but I want to share a "method" I implemented. You want to maintain a flexible work schedule, allowing your staff to arrange their week according to their particular ministry area and personal/family needs. At the same time, you want a core set of "in-the-office" working hours that encourage and facilitate collaboration between staff members.

To help get this done, I created a "Schedule of Ministry" process. The process includes a form that facilitates a formal discussion between each staff member and their direct supervisor. The form is filled out, discussed, and signed twice yearly at the beginning of the Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer ministry seasons.

Completion of the form ensures there's a formal discussion, at least twice per year, that results in an agreement between the staff member and their supervisor on what the normal ministry week will look like in terms of "in the office" work hours, "out of the office" work hours, and non-work hours. The agreement stands until a change is made or the next season of ministry approaches.

Of course, the signed form exists as a reflection of the typical week. The staff still has a "flexible" work schedule and may, at their discretion, deviate from their normal schedule.

This process worked well for me and some of my coaching clients.


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