Executive Pastor Online Blog

This is my personal blog. I regularly write about church leadership and infrastructure development, including specifics on leadership techniques and the details of implementing systems, processes, and methods that enable the church to succeed.

Mastering the 8 Fundamentals of Leadership

leadership Nov 07, 2023

Recently, Ryan Franklin invited me onto his podcast, Christian Leader Made Simple, to share my insight, experience, and perspective on Mastering the 8 Fundamentals of Leadership.

During the episode, we delve into my 8 Fundamentals of Leadership, including Lead from the Front, Eliminating Fear, and Building Infrastructure is Critical. In our discussion, we talk through the essential principles that are foundational to effective leadership. The conversation offers a roadmap for aspiring and seasoned leaders to navigate the intricacies of leadership with confidence and success.

Thank you to Ryan Franklin, the host of the podcast Christian Leader Made Simple, for having me as a guest.

To watch the podcast, packed with actionable insights and real-world leadership guidance, click the image below.


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