Executive Pastor Online Blog

This is my personal blog. I regularly write about church leadership and infrastructure development, including specifics on leadership techniques and the details of implementing systems, processes, and methods that enable the church to succeed.

Should Churches Require Their Staffs to Tithe?

finance human resources May 15, 2024
Church Staff Tithing

Never Make a Rule You're Not Prepared to Enforce


Not long ago, the network of church leaders with whom I routinely communicate discussed the issue of staff member tithing. I was surprised by the number of churches that communicate it as an expectation of staff but don’t check to see if it’s happening.

I have an old saying, “never make a ‘rule’ you’re not prepared to enforce.” I don’t know how you can tell your staff they are expected to tithe and not check to ensure they’re doing it.

That aside, how can a church staff member justify not tithing? As staff members, I hope we believe what the Bible says. I hope we actually “do” what we’re “teaching.” How can we justify doing otherwise?


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